Subscription Cancellation Process
When a subscription is cancelled, the price in the cancellation order is calculated automatically. If a provider owes money to a customer, a Cancellation Order is placed in the system. If a customer owes money to a provider, a Cancellation Charge Order is placed.
Subscription cancellation results in the suspension of the subscription's services provisioning. Subscription cancellation can be initiated by a provider or a customer. A provider may want to cancel a customer's subscription due to some administrative reasons (for example, a customer has uploaded forbidden content or has paid with a dubious credit card) or on behalf of a customer.
There are two possible outcomes when a customer's subscription is cancelled:
- The service is temporarily stopped. The service can be restored when the related issues are resolved.
- The service is stopped and after the confirmation of the cancellation order is removed forever. In this case the data cannot be restored.
Both cancellation flows are shown below.
To learn how to manage the subscription cancellation process, please refer to the Billing Provider's Guide.
A more sophisticated cancellation policy can also be configured for plans that are managed in Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), including Office NCE subscriptions.
If so, fees from that policy are used instead of the ones configured in Billing.
Additionally, if any policy is configured in PLM for a plan, the cancellation fee type and non-refundable amount will not be displayed for that plan in classic provider (PCP) and reseller control panels (RCP).