About 3-Year Commit Subscriptions


Adobe VIP Program members can save more when they qualify for VIP Select by purchasing 10 licenses or more during a subscription term. Additionally, they can also save on top of that by purchasing 50 or 100 licenses or more. Now, with the introduction of 3-year commit to VIP Marketplace in July 2023, they will also be able to benefit from additional discounts and savings by applying to a three-year commitment.

3-Year Commit (3YC) is a loyalty program that allows a customer to get a greater discount level as well as a price lock for 3 terms (the current one and 2 additional terms). The customer commits to a minimum quantity that they must purchase and maintain throughout the 3-year commitment period.

To learn more about 3-year commit subscriptions, see the Subscription Term Options section in Adobe documentation.

3-year Commit

Note: To obtain information on how to configure Adobe on CloudBlue Commerce with PLM see the Configuring 3-year Commit Discounts section.

  1. You can either place an order from the UX1 control panel to initiate a 3-year commitment or you can use CloudBlue Commerce API to place the order using the following parameters:

    Parameters for a 3-year Commit
    • three_years_commitment: This parameter must be set to true to initiate a 3-year commit.

    • three_years_minimum_licenses: The minimum quantity of licenses for a 3-year commit must be 10 or more licenses.

    • three_years_minimum_consumables: The minimum quantity of Consumables (Adobe Acrobat Sign Transactions) for a 3-year commit must be 1000 or more.

      Note: To obtain information on how to use these parameters on the Connect or CloudBlue Commerce API, see the Ordering Parameters section.

      3YC Product-level Configuration Parameters:

    • min_licenses_3yc: This is the minimum number of licenses for a 3-year commitment configured at the product level. The value specified in this parameter will be used when a value for the three_years_minimum_licenses ordering parameter is not provided or is invalid.

    • min_consumables_3yc: This is the minimum number of consumables for a 3-year commitment configured at product level. The value specified in this parameter will be used when a value for the three_years_minimum_consumables ordering parameter is not provided or is invalid.

  1. The connector will check if the specified minimum quantities for licenses and/or consumables are valid.

  2. Once the 3-year commitment is initiated, your organization will receive an email with an invitation to accept the 3-year commit agreement on the Adobe portal. Once the agreement is accepted, the request will be processed by CloudBlue.

    Important: The 3-year commit agreement must be accepted in the Adobe portal for the request to be processed.

- Canceling orders that are already in Committed status is not allowed.
- Reducing the number of licenses or consumables below the committed quantities is not allowed.

3-year Recommitment

A 3-year recommitment is a request to renew an existing 3-year commit subscription. This can only be done within 30 days before the subscription expiration date.

  1. You can place an order in the UX1 control panel to renew a 3-year commit subscription or you can place the order through the CloudBlue Commerce API using the following parameters:

    Parameters for a 3-year Recommitment
    • three_years_recommitment: When this parameter is set to true, the renewal of a 3-year commit subscription will be requested. The request to renew a 3-year commit subscription must take place within 30 days of the subscription expiration. The renewal will take place on the renewal date. In addition, the 3-year recommitment can only be initiated for 3-year commit subscriptions that are in Committed status (see the Fulfillment parameters below).

    • three_years_recommitment_minimun_licenses: The minimum quantity of licenses for a 3-year recommitment must be 10 or more licenses.

    • three_years_recommitment_minimun_consumables: The minimum quantity of transactions for a 3-year recommitment must be 1000 or more.

      Note: To obtain information on how to use these parameters on the Connect or CloudBlue Commerce API, see the Ordering Parameters section.

  1. The connector will check if the specified minimum quantities of Licenses or Consumables are valid.

  2. Once the 3-year recommitment is initiated, your organization will receive an email with an invitation to accept the corresponding agreement on the Adobe portal. Once the agreement is accepted, the request will be processed by CloudBlue.

    Important: The 3-year commit agreement must be accepted in the Adobe portal for the request to be processed.

  3. If the agreement is not accepted in the case of a recommitment, the 3-year recommitment request will expire and the subscription will be renewed for 1 year.

  4. The request will be approved on the renewal date in Connect if the 3-year commit request has been accepted in the Adobe portal.

- Canceling orders which are in Committed status is not allowed.
- Reducing the number of Licenses or Consumables below the committed quantities is not allowed.

Keeping Track of the 3-year Commitment Status

In the following table you can see the fulfillment parameters that can be used to keep track of the 3-year commitment and recommitment status in Connect.

Parameter ID Description

This parameter will show the current status of the 3-year commit request:

  • Requested: The 3-year commit has been requested.

  • Accepted: The 3-year commit request has been accepted by the customer in Adobe portal. This status will remain until the subscription start date, when it will change to Committed.

  • Committed: The status will change to Committed shortly after the commit request is accepted.

  • Inactive

  • Declined

  • Rejected

commitment_start_date This parameter is used to store the commitment start date.
commitment_end_date This parameter is used to store the commitment end date.
  • Requested: The 3-year commit has been requested.
  • Accepted: The 3-year recommitment request has been accepted by the customer in Adobe portal. This status will remain until 3-year recommitment start date. The value in this parameter will continue to be Accepted after the recommitment start date.

  • Committed: This status is currently not used for 3-year recommitments.

  • Inactive

  • Declined

  • Rejected

recommitment_start_date This parameter is used to store the commitment start date.
recommitment_end_date This parameter is used to store the commitment end date.
processing_3yc This parameter will be set to true once the 3-year commit or recommitment has been processed.


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