Application Packaging Standard

Last updated 18-Mar-2019

Internationalization in JavaScript

Context Specific Translation

Some strings in different contexts can require different translations. If you need to provide a context specific translation, the msgid must contain both, the translation string and the context in the form of “<translation string>_<context>”. For example, if the translation string is “Please wait” and the context is “Submit”, the respective msgid must be “Please wait_Submit”. A context can be created by the system for predefined translations. A package developer can create custom contexts as well.

Predefined Translation

Some default strings used in APS JS SDK widgets have predefined translation into the following languages:

  • de_DE - German
  • es_ES - Spanish
  • fr_FR - French
  • ja_JP - Japanese
  • nl_NL - Dutch
  • pt_BR - Brazilian Portuguese
  • ru_RU - Russian

The following strings have predefined translation:

aps/Button Please wait apsButton Please wait
aps/DateTextBox Select date apsCalendar Select date
aps/Grid No item(s) found apsGrid No item(s) found
aps/Grid Number of entries per page: apsGrid Number of entries per page:
aps/Grid item(s) total apsGrid item(s) tota
aps/Grid Search apsGrid Search
aps/Grid Reset Search apsGrid Reset Search
aps/Grid First apsGrid First
aps/Grid Last apsGrid Last
aps/Grid All apsGrid All
aps/Grid Pages apsGrid Pages
aps/ListSwitcher Settings apsListSwitcher Settings
aps/ListSwitcher Sorting: apsListSwitcher Sorting:
aps/ListSwitcher In ascending order: A to Z apsListSwitcher In ascending order: A to Z
aps/ListSwitcher In descending order: Z to A apsListSwitcher In descending order: Z to A
aps/ListSwitcher List View Mode: apsListSwitcher List View Mode:
aps/ListSwitcher Active List apsListSwitcher Active List
aps/ListSwitcher Classic List apsListSwitcher Classic List
aps/Password Reset password apsPassword Reset password
aps/Password Hide password apsPassword Hide password
aps/Password Show password apsPassword Show password
aps/Password Password does not match apsPassword Password does not match
aps/Password Reset apsPassword Reset
aps/Password The value entered is not valid. apsPassword The value entered is not valid.
aps/Password This value is required. apsPassword This value is required.
aps/ProgressBar completed apsProgressBar completed
aps/Slider This value is out of range. apsSlider This value is out of range.
aps/Slider The value entered is not valid. apsSlider The value entered is not valid.
aps/Slider This value is required. apsSlider This value is required.
aps/Switch ON apsSwitch ON
aps/Switch OFF apsSwitch OFF
aps/TextBox Not valid value apsTextBox Not valid value
aps/TextBox The value entered is not valid. apsTextBox The value entered is not valid.
aps/TextBox This value is required. apsTextBox This value is required.
aps/TextBox All symbols required. apsTextBox All symbols required.
aps/ToolbarButton Please wait apsToolbarButton Please wait
aps/ToolsItem Please wait apsToolsItem Please wait


The predefined translations are not presented in po files. If you need to substitute a predefined translation with your own custom string, you need to create manually the respective msgid and msgstr pair in the proper po file. The msgid string must include the respective context as presented in the above table.

Custom Translation

Translation Hook

The aps msgmake command extracts localization data from JavaScript code in *.html and *.js files used for building UI views. The _() function is a hook that makes a string available for translation. For example, _("string to translate") makes the aps msgmake command create the msgid “string to translate” and “msgstr” pair in the PO files.

The aps/i18n module redefines the window._() function.

Translation of Plurals

In general case, a string may contain mapped parameters that should not be translated. The mapped parameters must be enclosed into a pair of underscores “__”. In the following example, the msgKey string contains parameters, which values must be found in the paramObjects mapping string.

_(msgKey, paramObjects)

The _() function is used to localize the string @msgKey. For example, @msgKey is actually a string “Found __itemsCount__ item(s)”. This string contains the itemsCount parameter, wrapped by a pair of underscores. The parameter is defined by the mapping string, for example, {“itemsCount”:counter}.

So, if aps msgmake meets the following code when parsing a JavaScript code:

_("Found __itemsCount__ item(s)", {"itemsCount":itemsCount})

it automatically generates the following pair of records in the PO file:

msgid "Found __itemsCount__ item(s)"
msgstr ""

An interpreter can manually translate the message in the following way, for example, into Russian:

msgid "Found __itemsCount__ item(s)"
msgstr "Найдено __itemsCound__ элемент(ов)"

Custom Context

In case, a string translation is context dependent, specify a custom context as in the following example:

title: _("Context specific title", { context: "myOwnContext" })

For each context with the same string, the APS build utility will create a separate msgid and msgstr pair. For the above example, it will be:

msgid "Context specific title_myOwnContext"
msgstr ""

If the same string is used without a context property, a respective msgid will be created without the context property. In the process of building a widget on the client side, the context specific translation takes precedence over the context-less translation.