What's New
- UX1 Marketplace 9.1.3008 (Released on February 4, 2025)
- UX1 Marketplace 9.0.2979 (Released on December 12, 2024)
- UX1 Marketplace 9.0.2959 (Released on November 25, 2024)
- UX1 Marketplace 8.3.2845 (Released on October 18, 2024)
- UX1 Marketplace 8.3.2780 (Released on September 30, 2024)
- UX1 Marketplace 8.3.2743 (Released on September 13, 2024)
- UX1 Marketplace 8.3.2705 (Released on August 30, 2024)
- UX1 Marketplace 8.2.2597 (Released on July 29, 2024)
- UX1 Marketplace 8.2.2505 (Released on June 14, 2024)
- UX1 Marketplace 8.2.2503 (Released on June 14, 2024)
- UX1 Marketplace 8.2.2494 (Released on June 13, 2024)
- UX1 Marketplace 8.2.2486 (Released on June 7, 2024)
- UX1 Marketplace 8.2.2465 (Released on June 3, 2024)
- UX1 Marketplace 8.2.2422 (Released on May 7, 2024)
- UX1 Marketplace 8.2.2422 (Released on May 7, 2024)
- UX1 Marketplace 8.1.2337 (Released on March 28, 2024)
- UX1 Marketplace 8.1.2324 (Released on March 13, 2024)
- UX1 Marketplace 8.1.2316 (Released on March 10, 2024)
- UX1 Marketplace 8.1.2286 (Released on February 28, 2024)
- UX1 Marketplace 8.0.2251 (Released on February 14, 2024)
- UX1 Marketplace 8.0.2229 (Released on February 7, 2024)
- UX1 Marketplace 7.5.2214 (Released on February 5, 2024)
- UX1 Marketplace 8.0.2189 (Released on January 25, 2024)
- UX1 Marketplace 7.5.2111 (Released on January 9, 2024)
- UX1 Marketplace 7.5.2068 (Released on December 11, 2023)
- UX1 Marketplace 7.4.1942 (Released on November 16, 2023)
- UX1 Marketplace 7.4.1871 (Released on October 10, 2023)
- UX1 Marketplace 7.3.1745 (Released on August 8, 2023)
- UX1 Marketplace 7.2.1707 (Released on July 28, 2023)
- UX1 Marketplace 7.1.1628 (Released on June 21, 2023)
- UX1 Marketplace 7.1.1601 (Released on June 16, 2023)
- UX1 Marketplace 7.0.1496 (Released on January 13, 2023)
- UX1 Marketplace 6.8.1427 (Released on November 8, 2022)
- UX1 Marketplace 6.7.1419 (Released on September 28, 2022)
- UX1 Marketplace 6.6.1345 (Released on July 29, 2022)
- UX1 Marketplace 6.5.1307 (Released on June 16, 2022)
- UX1 Marketplace 6.4.1209 (Released on May 31, 2022)
- UX1 Marketplace 6.4.1207 (Released on March 30, 2022)
- UX1 Marketplace 6.4.1150 (Released on February 4, 2022)
- UX1 Marketplace 6.4.1142 (Released on January 28, 2022)
- UX1 Marketplace 6.3.1123 (Released on December 27, 2021)
- UX1 Marketplace 6.2.1081 (Released on November 25, 2021)
- UX1 Marketplace 6.1.1026 (Released on October 25, 2021)
- UX1 Marketplace 6.0.952 (Released on September 15, 2021)
- UX1 Marketplace 5.7.867 (Released on July 23, 2021)
- UX1 Marketplace 5.7.852 (Released on July 9, 2021)
- UX1 Marketplace 5.6 (Released on May 25, 2021)
- UX1 Marketplace 5.5 (Released on May 7, 2021)
- UX1 Marketplace 5.4 (Released on April 15, 2021)
- UX1 Marketplace 5.3 (Released on March 19, 2021)
- UX1 Marketplace 5.2 (Released on February 19, 2021)
- UX1 Marketplace 5.1
- UX1 Marketplace 5.0
- UX1 Marketplace 4.1
- UX1 Marketplace 4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.1.3
- UX1 Marketplace 4.0
- UX1 Marketplace 3.1.2
- UX1 Marketplace 3.1
- UX1 Marketplace 2.4
- UX1 Marketplace 1.4
- UX1 Marketplace 1.3
- UX1 Marketplace 1.2
- UX1 Marketplace 1.1
- UX1 Marketplace 1.0
UX1 Marketplace 9.1.3008 (Released on February 4, 2025)
CBCMP-995 10-year period was displayed instead of Perpetual on the home, search result pages, and filter options.
CBCMP-997 Sometimes, categories were not created on catalog import.
CBCMP-1008 Sometimes, the search did not work in UX1 Marketplace.
CBCMP-1009 Sometimes, costs were not displayed for resources with an aggregated volume pricing model.
CBCMP-1012 Reordering categories in sales channels could take significant time.
CBCMP-1034 Setting background color for a category page did not have an effect on the end-customer marketplace.
CBCMP-1041 Filter options could include a 0-month period if a one-time purchase product was published.
OSS: 21.15 or later.
BSS: 21.15 or later.
Order Management: 1.15.672 or later.
UX1 Marketplace 9.0.2979 (Released on December 12, 2024)
This is a patch release.
CBPFR-880 Starting with this version, perpetual plans and products will be have a Perpetual tag on all UX1 screens.
CBCMP-945 Referral plans could be displayed as unavailable for selling.
OSS: 21.15 or later.
BSS: 21.15 or later.
Order Management: 1.15.672 or later.
UX1 Marketplace 9.0.2959 (Released on November 25, 2024)
CBPFR-120 The home page has undergone several enhancements:
Users can now apply quick filters directly on the home page, enabling immediate access to the search results page with the filtered content.
Home page customization tool has been reworked using modern technologies, providing more flexibility to tailor your home page specifically for business.
You can add as many widgets as you need and hide the unused ones.
The content of product and category widgets can be customized, allowing you to include multiple product collections and promoted categories directly on the home page.
Note: Currently, the maximum number of items that can be displayed on the home page within a widget is limited to 6.
The accuracy of the home page customization preview has been greatly improved. You can now see exactly how updates to the home page will appear to your customers.
CBPFR-242 UX1 Marketplace has been updated to enhance flexibility and accuracy in pricing management. Here are the key changes:
A new "Discount %" field has been added to the Adjust Prices functionality, allowing to set a discount in % to customer price.
During price adjustments, the discount value or price can set to remain effective during the next subscription renewal, even if the price or cost changes.
CBCMP-400 Plan and category visibility could be managed for a Marketplace in vendor catalog mode.
CBCMP-422 A payment method added by a customer on purchase was not set as a default payment method.
CBCMP-619 Different layouts were used for group and category pages.
CBCMP-627 Vendors with no published plans were displayed in the filter section.
CBCMP-645 It could take significant time to load prices for a category page with a large number of plans.
CBCMP-650 A configured image was not displayed on the quote request screen.
CBCMP-684 Breadcrumbs in the Marketplace could look inconsistently.
CBCMP-685 Configuration updates for group and category pages could be lost if the home page configuration import failed.
CBCMP-703 Empty lines in category descriptions were not processed correctly in the Marketplace.
CBCMP-704 Order placing could fail due to lack of privilege on setting special prices even if special price was not set.
CBCMP-709 Incorrect start date could be displayed in the Adjust Expiration Date screen on subscription co-terming.
CBCMP-714 Placing an order could fail when an operating unit purchased a co-termed subscription for a reseller.
CBCMP-750 UX1 Marketplace stopped generating the addToCart E-Commerce Google Analytics event.
CBCMP-752 A promoted category was not displayed in the top-selling categories section.
CBCMP-753 An inactive subscription period was displayed as available in the Marketplace.
CBCMP-759 Multiple errors could be displayed when opening the Marketplace.
CBCMP-776 Formatting of product descriptions obtained from PLM could be incorrect when displayed in the Marketplace.
CBCMP-781 Category page could not be opened from search suggestions if the locale was not English.
CBCMP-783 A sales order could not be placed in the Public Marketplace when Sales Assistant Mode was enabled.
CBCMP-809 Total costs displayed to a reseller on the first step of the sales wizard was calculated incorrectly for aggregated resource volume if there was a discount configured for the reseller.
CBCMP-839 If the sales-assistant mode was on, order parameter validation was skipped on purchasing of the reseller's own plans.
CBCMP-845 When viewing the cart with a discounted item, the discount was displayed even after the discounted item was removed from the cart.
CBCMP-847 After changing the language in the Public Marketplace, plan details in the top-selling plans section could become empty.
CBCMP-905 Categories were displayed unsorted even if the sorting order was configured.
CBCMP-907 When switching the billing period for a subscription, the period was displayed as not translated properly.
CBCMP-929 An error occurred when trying to edit a plan from an imported catalog if the sales-assistant mode was enabled.
Upgrade notes
Important: In this version, UX1 Marketplace started using its own database. Normally, the database will be created automatically during the upgrade. However, if you are upgrading only the UX1 Marketplace component, you need to add the -c a8n-db
key to the generic command, for example:
setup-product.sh -f config.yaml -c ux1-marketplace -c a8n-db
OSS: 21.15 or later.
BSS: 21.15 or later.
Order Management: 1.15.672 or later.
Other microservices required for specific scenarios
To be able to specify discount percent when adjusting prices, the following component versions must be installed:
BSS: 21.18 or later
UX1 Marketplace 8.3.2845 (Released on October 18, 2024)
This is a patch release.
CBCMP-841 When purchasing Microsoft products with Sales-assistant mode on, the order parameters were not validated.
Note: This fix requires also BSS version 21.17.326.
OSS: 21.15 or later.
BSS: 21.15 or later.
Order Management: 1.15.672 or later.
UX1 Marketplace 8.3.2780 (Released on September 30, 2024)
This is a patch release.
CBCMP-785 Sales orders could not be placed in a public marketplace if sales-assistance mode was enabled.
CBCMP-784 Promoted categories could be displayed incorrectly to resellers if the sales-assistant mode was enabled.
OSS: 21.15 or later.
BSS: 21.15 or later.
Order Management: 1.15.672 or later.
UX1 Marketplace 8.3.2743 (Released on September 13, 2024)
This is a patch release.
CBCMP-719 Empty lines in product description could cause text formatting issues.
CBCMP-720, CBCMP-721 In some cases, it was not possible to co-term a subscription.
OSS: 21.15 or later.
BSS: 21.15 or later.
Order Management: 1.15.672 or later.
UX1 Marketplace 8.3.2705 (Released on August 30, 2024)
This component version added support for the features listed below. A detailed announcement with the list of the required components and links to the documentation can be found on this page.
CBPFR-285 Support for referral products was added to CloudBlue. With this feature, a vendor can create a product in a few clicks in CloudBlue Connect and list it in certain marketplaces. In CloudBlue Commerce such marketplaces are represented by resellers with a special attribute assigned.
The provider can then add this product to their portfolio and publish it to the allowed marketplaces. As a result, customers will see this product in the marketplace and can send the information requested by the vendor if they are interested in buying it.The vendor can then access this information from their panel in CloudBlue Connect and convert these leads into sales.
CBPFR-171 The end-customer marketplace can be improved with sales assistant mode.
With this mode on, the sales staff of an operating unit sees the same marketplace as their customers see and can use it to sell to the customers with extended features:
Price adjustments
Promo assignment
Selling products invisible for self-purchase by customers.
CBPFR-223 Now, UX1 Subscription Management can use the Price Manager component for displaying and managing prices.
CBCMP-83 It was possible to add conflicting resources to cart.
CBCMP-358 On some displays, a banner of a correct size could appear cropped.
CBCMP-431 Search could freeze in the marketplace without providing any results.
CBCMP-504 Group page icons were not displayed after the update to version 8.2.2505.
CBCMP-584 Plans sorting inside a category was not applied.
CBCMP-587 Setup fee value could not be seen in Spanish and Italian locale.
CBCMP-610 Using a wide image in the plan description could affect the add to cart block position.
CBCMP-687 It could take significant time to load prices for a category with a large number of plans.
OSS: 21.15 or later.
BSS: 21.15 or later.
Order Management: 1.15.672 or later.
Other microservices required for specific scenarios
Sales-assistant marketplace mode requires the following components:
BSS: 21.16 or higher
OSS: 21.16 or higher
UI and Branding: 21.16 or higher
UX1 User Interface: 5.9.1884 or higher
Referral products require the following components:
BSS: 21.17 or higher
OSS: 21.17 or higher
UI and Branding: 21.17 or higher
PLM: 2.4 or higher
Obtaining prices using Price Manager require the following components:
BSS: 21.17 or higher
UX1 Marketplace 8.2.2597 (Released on July 29, 2024)
This is a patch release.
CBCMP-554 Search for customers or resellers did not work in Provider Marketplace.
CBCMP-562 UI responsiveness was slow during sales channel management.
CBCMP-566 When managing categories, it was not possible to move a category with complex hierarchy if it contained plans from other categories.
OSS: 21.15 or later.
BSS: 21.15 or later.
Order Management: 1.15.672 or later.
UX1 Marketplace 8.2.2505 (Released on June 14, 2024)
CBCMP-456 It could be impossible to purchase a product in UX1 for Providers because configuration steps for other products were included in the sales wizard.
OSS: 21.15 or later.
BSS: 21.15 or later.
Order Management: 1.15.672 or later.
UX1 Marketplace 8.2.2503 (Released on June 14, 2024)
CBCMP-454 Some products and plans were not displayed to customers inside categories in the End-Customer Marketplace when in Vendor Catalog mode
OSS: 21.15 or later.
BSS: 21.15 or later.
Order Management: 1.15.672 or later.
UX1 Marketplace 8.2.2494 (Released on June 13, 2024)
CBCMP-449 Products and plans were not displayed to customers in the End-Customer Marketplace when in Vendor Catalog mode.
OSS: 21.15 or later.
BSS: 21.15 or later.
Order Management: 1.15.672 or later.
UX1 Marketplace 8.2.2486 (Released on June 7, 2024)
This is a patch release.
CBCMP-435 Some of the delegated plans and related products were not displayed to customers in the Marketplace.
OSS: 21.15 or later.
BSS: 21.15 or later.
Order Management: 1.15.672 or later.
UX1 Marketplace 8.2.2465 (Released on June 3, 2024)
CBCMP-424 Searching in UX1 could take significant time.
OSS: 21.15 or later.
BSS: 21.15 or later.
Order Management: 1.15.672 or later.
UX1 Marketplace 8.2.2422 (Released on May 7, 2024)
CBPFR-243 Now, the look and feel of category pages are aligned with the home and search result pages.
- CBCMP-3 The "Execute operation '/updateIndex'(<uid>) on resource marketplace(<uid>)" could fail with the error: There are several root Home pages.
CBCMP-5 Sometimes, the co-terming option was unavailable for operating units.
CBCMP-10 Hidden categories' icons could be displayed in the featured categories section on the home page.
CBCMP-36 Subscription period selectors in the plan table were not collapsed automatically on the search page.
CBCMP-144 After installation of UX1 Marketplace 8.1.2316, category pages could be displayed as empty.
CBCMP-239 Inactive subscription periods could be displayed for plans and products.
CBCMP-328 It was not possible to distinguish plans with long similar names on the home, search results, and group pages.
UX1 Marketplace 8.1.2337 (Released on March 28, 2024)
This a patch release.
CBCMP-139 Marketplace stopped working after the upgrade to UX1 Marketplace 8.1 because the UX1 Marketplace Plan Indexer task failed.
OSS 21.15 or later.
BSS 21.15 or later.
Order Management 1.15.672 or later.
UX1 Marketplace 8.1.2324 (Released on March 13, 2024)
This is a patch release.
CMP-11434 Resellers' costs and prices were indicated in the wrong currency on the Review Offer and Review Orders screens when buying an Adobe 3-year Commit subscription with multi-currency enabled.
OSS 21.15 or later
BSS 21.15 or later
Order Management 1.15.672 or later
UX1 Marketplace 8.1.2316 (Released on March 10, 2024)
This is a patch release that contains internal improvements only.
OSS 21.15 or later.
BSS 21.15 or later.
Order Management 1.15.672 or later.
UX1 Marketplace 8.1.2286 (Released on February 28, 2024)
PFR-6971 Now, public marketplace users can benefit from the recent search updates and product centric experience:
At the home and search result pages, unregistered users can now see products with all necessary information, as well as plans and categories.
They can also add products and plans to the cart directly from the new home, search result, plan and product pages.
Note: In this release, public marketplace search issues and lack of support for product-centric features are fixed and you can safely upgrade to this version.
CMP-11399 Unavailable plans could appear in the plan selector on a product page.
CMP-11402 Sometimes products were not displayed on plan pages.
CMP-11360 The list of vendors in search filters was not updated properly if a vendor name was changed but the plan was not updated.
CMP-11412 No error message was displayed on a product page when the product cannot be purchased.
CMP-11433 Duplicate icons could be displayed for categories in search results.
CMP-10526 A zero price tier was not displayed in the cart and at checkout.
OSS 21.15 or later.
BSS 21.15 or later.
Order Management 1.15.672 or later.
UX1 Marketplace 8.0.2251 (Released on February 14, 2024)
This is a patch release.
CMP-11395 After the UX1 Marketplace 8.0 release, search results took longer to load.
CMP-11387 The "Plan #x cannot be sold" error message could appear on the UX1 Marketplace home page.
CMP-11388 When a reseller opened a delegated plan page in UX1 Marketplace, the "Incorrect service plan" error could appear on the plan page.
CMP-11385 If different banners were configured for different locales in UX1 Marketplace, all of them were displayed at the same time regardless of the selected locale.
CMP-11394 If the top banner was not configured, it was displayed as empty in the reseller marketplace.
CMP-11396 Tiles in the "Featured categories" section could have multiple identical icons displayed if there were plans with identical icons in that category.
OSS 21.15 or later.
BSS 21.15 or later.
Order Management 1.15.672 or later.
Known Issue
Searching in the End-customer Marketplace in public mode does not work. Additionally, the product-centric features may not work properly in the End-customer Marketplace in public mode. If your End-customer Marketplace is actively used in public mode, we do not recommend upgrading UX1 Marketplace to version 7.5 or later, until this issue is fixed.
UX1 Marketplace 8.0.2229 (Released on February 7, 2024)
CMP-11342 An error occurred when trying to display a referral plan in the search results.
CMP-11332 The top bar in UX1 Marketplace was not localized.
CMP-11351 The first step of the sales wizard did not load if the order contained a resource with volume pricing defined for a resource period.
CMP-11280 If multiple subscriptions were purchased in a single order, special prices configured for one of the subscriptions could be applied to all of them.
OSS 21.15 or later.
BSS 21.15 or later.
Order Management 1.15.672 or later.
Known Issue
Searching in the End-customer Marketplace in public mode does not work. Additionally, the product-centric features may not work properly in the End-customer Marketplace in public mode. If your End-customer Marketplace is actively used in public mode, we do not recommend upgrading UX1 Marketplace to version 7.5 or later, until this issue is fixed.
UX1 Marketplace 7.5.2111 (Released on January 9, 2024)
This is a patch release.
CMP-11215 Prices displayed in the search results did not match the prices in the cart.
CMP-11210UX1 Marketplace did not work after the upgrade to version 7.5 if an upgrade action took too long to complete.
CMP-11209, CMP-11208, CMP-11199 Some delegated plans did not appear in the catalog, in search suggestions or search result page of the End-Customer Marketplace when in Vendor Catalog mode.
CMP-11241 A service plan with billing model Use External Rating could not be purchased from UX1.
OSS 21.8 or later.
BSS 21.8 or later.
Order Management 1.5.417 or later.
Known Issue
Searching in the End-customer Marketplace in public mode does not work. Additionally, the product-centric features may not work properly in the End-customer Marketplace in public mode. If your End-customer Marketplace is actively used in public mode, we do not recommend upgrading UX1 Marketplace to version 7.5 or later, until this issue is fixed.
UX1 Marketplace 7.5.2214 (Released on February 5, 2024)
This is a patch release that contains internal component improvements only.
OSS 21.8 or later.
BSS 21.8 or later.
Order Management 1.5.417 or later.
Known Issue
Searching in the End-customer Marketplace in public mode does not work. Additionally, the product-centric features may not work properly in the End-customer Marketplace in public mode. If your End-customer Marketplace is actively used in public mode, we do not recommend upgrading UX1 Marketplace to version 7.5 or later, until this issue is fixed.
UX1 Marketplace 8.0.2189 (Released on January 25, 2024)
PFR-6663 One of the final steps towards a fully product-centric experience is the updated marketplace home page. Two new sections have been added:
Top selling products
Top selling plans
In these sections you can see the products and plans. Their order is defined by the platform based on various parameters and cannot be set manually.
Clicking See all will get a user to the respective tab of the search result page with empty filters.
Additionally, there are minor changes in the home page appearance to give it a slicker appearance and the way the look and feel is customized has been slightly reworked.
PFR-6741 There are multiple improvements in the product, plan and search result pages:
Plan selection on the product page. If a product is offered in several plans, you can select the required plan in the product page. The price, available subscription and billing periods, and other relevant information will be updated upon plan selection.
- On the product page you can now see fee and cost details.
Irrelevant information was removed from the pages of one-time-purchase products.
The Add to cart button now changes dynamically, depending on the current cart contents. This makes it easy to add or update the added quantity before checkout.
The plan page now displays the mandatory and included products in a table.
A product that is offered in several plans will appear on the search result page as a single tile, where you can choose the plan to add to cart. The price as well as available subscription and billing periods will be updated upon plan selection.
PFR-7045 The way UX1 Marketplace treats the Customer Accounts privilege has changed. Now, to create customer accounts, the Admin level of this privilege is required.
CMP-11245 Order parameters were not cleared after order placement and could be used for another order placed within the same session.
CMP-11291 Search attempt in UX1 Marketplace could fail with the error: An item with the same key has already been added.
Important: Component requirements were updated in this version.
OSS 21.15 or later.
BSS 21.15 or later.
Order Management 1.15.672 or later.
Known Issue
Searching in the End-customer Marketplace in public mode does not work. Additionally, the product-centric features may not work properly in the End-customer Marketplace in public mode. If your End-customer Marketplace is actively used in public mode, we do not recommend upgrading UX1 Marketplace to version 7.5 or later, until this issue is fixed.
UX1 Marketplace 7.5.2111 (Released on January 9, 2024)
This is a patch release.
CMP-11215 Prices displayed in the search results did not match the prices in the cart.
CMP-11210 UX1 Marketplace did not work after the upgrade to version 7.5 if an upgrade action took too long to complete.
CMP-11209, CMP-11208, CMP-11199 Some delegated plans did not appear in the catalog, in search suggestions or search result page of the End-Customer Marketplace when in Vendor Catalog mode.
CMP-11241 A service plan with billing model Use External Rating could not be purchased from UX1.
OSS 21.8 or later.
BSS 21.8 or later.
Order Management 1.5.417 or later.
Known Issue
Searching in the End-customer Marketplace in public mode does not work. Additionally, the product-centric features may not work properly in the End-customer Marketplace in public mode. If your End-customer Marketplace is actively used in public mode, we do not recommend upgrading UX1 Marketplace to version 7.5 or later, until this issue is fixed.
UX1 Marketplace 7.5.2068 (Released on December 11, 2023)
PFR-6539, PFR-6832 Search result pages were updated to simplify finding products:
The products section is now displayed under the All tab. Products relevant to the search query are displayed there as tiles with all the necessary information about the product. Using these tiles you can select the subscription period if available, add the product to cart, open the plan within which it is being offered or open the product page to view product details.
The number of search results is now indicated on every search result page tab to reflect search request accuracy.
Plans found by search are now displayed in a table.
The ability to filter search results by vendor and category was added. The first ten filter entries are displayed by default. To extend the selection, a user can click Show all vendors or Show all categories.
The filtering section was moved to the left.
CMP-11126 It could take significant time to load a page with saved quotes.
CMP-10826 Resellers could not import their own end-customer marketplace if their parent reseller had never opened Reseller marketplace page in the Sales channel section.
CMP-10986 Some links on a product page were not clickable.
CMP-11134 White areas were displayed on product and plan pages when the skin background color was not white.
CMP-11149 When searching products by MPN, suggestions in the search page used the product name instead.
OSS 21.8 or later.
BSS 21.8 or later.
Order Management 1.5.417 or later.
Known Issue
Searching in the End-customer Marketplace in public mode does not work. Additionally, the product-centric features may not work properly in the End-customer Marketplace in public mode. If your End-customer Marketplace is actively used in public mode, we do not recommend upgrading UX1 Marketplace to version 7.5 or later, until this issue is fixed.
UX1 Marketplace 7.4.1942 (Released on November 16, 2023)
This is a patch release.
CMP-11021 Policies were not localized on product and plan pages.
CMP-11037 Products from hidden plans could be found using search.
CMP-11042 MSRP and margin could be displayed to end customers on product and plan pages.
CMP-11055 One-time fee products could not be added to the cart from their product pages.
CMP-11033 Sometimes the first letter of the search input was omitted.
CMP-11041 Images were not displayed in the description on plan pages.
CMP-11043 Vendor ID was shown on product pages instead of the vendor name.
OSS 21.8 or later.
BSS 21.8 or later.
Order Management 1.5.417 or later.
UX1 Marketplace 7.4.1871 (Released on October 10, 2023)
PFR-6685 The suggestions list in search bar and the search result page in UX1 Marketplace were updated to let users find products and product-specific information faster. The search bar is now also available on the product and plan pages. These are the following noticeable changes in the search experience:
Suggestions that appear during search now include actual products, plans and categories.
The Products tab of the search result page was renamed to Categories and displays categories relevant to the search query. Clicking a category here will open the category page.
The Service options tab was renamed to Products and it now displays actual products in the form of tiles with general product information: product name and logo, vendor name, unit price, plan within which the product is sold, as well as subscription and billing periods. If applicable, the subscription period can be selected here. You can navigate to a product page by clicking a tile, or open the plan page by clicking the plan name.
The Service Plan tab was renamed to Plans. Clicking on a plan there will open the plan page.
Additionally, the Sales Channels > Pages menu item was renamed to Sales Channels > Categories.
Note: This feature is available once the component is upgraded.
CMP-10530 An incorrect discounted price could be displayed when placing an order in UX1.
CMP-10790 Incorrect landing page name could appear in breadcrumbs.
CMP-10795 UX1 Marketplace required 8GB of RAM to start after suspension.
CMP-10874 Sometimes, MSRP was displayed in an incorrect currency on the product page.
CMP-10900 Sometimes, when adding a new method during purchase, the Add New Payment Method screen froze.
CMP-10904 An improper value could be displayed as a billing period for plans with alignment to the statement day.
OSS 21.8 or later.
BSS 21.8 or later.
Order Management 1.5.417 or later.
UX1 Marketplace 7.3.1745 (Released on August 8, 2023)
PFR-6182 Keeping up with trends and cutting-edge technologies, UX1 Marketplace is making moves towards the product-centric experience while making the purchasing process more intuitive. With this feature, two major changes are introduced:
Product page. This page opens when you click a product on a plan page. It displays more product-specific information: unit price (per tier for volume- and tier-based pricing models), available offers, the minimum price and quantity to purchase in the plan that includes this product, the description, as well as the cancellation and downsize policies.
Plan page. This page opens when you click a plan in the catalog. It displays more plan-specific information: the minimum price, the description, cancellation and downsize policies, the products that can be purchased within this plan.
From both of these pages you can add the plan with the products to the cart, proceed to checkout, or return to the parent plan or category page using breadcrumbs.
Important: After the upgrade, these pages are created automatically for all plans and products available in the marketplace. To ensure they are displayed correctly, re-import the catalog after the upgrade for both reseller and customer marketplaces. To do this, go to Sales Channels > Home Page > Reseller Marketplace or End-customer Marketplace tab and click Import catalog.
For more details, refer to the documentation: UX1 Marketplace for Customers - Exploring products and plans.
OSS 21.8 or later.
BSS 21.8 or later.
Order Management 1.5.417 or later.
UX1 Marketplace 7.2.1707 (Released on July 28, 2023)
PFR-6666 Now, in addition to the products with a flat pricing model, special pricing can be applied to the products with the multi-resource volume pricing model. You can do this by changing the product margin at the Review order step. Customer's total is calculated on the fly and you can see the result of your changes right away. You can also decide whether to keep the specified price after the subscription renewal.
CMP-10671 If co-terming was restricted in a delegated plan at a lower level, co-terming appeared as available during purchase but placing such an order failed.
OSS 21.8 or later.
BSS 21.8 or later.
Order Management 1.5.417 or later.
Other microservices required for specific scenarios
Price adjustment for products with multi-resource volume pricing model requires the following components:
BSS 21.11.126 or higher.
Order Management 1.13.620 or higher.
Rating Engine 1.24.3452 or higher.
UX1 Marketplace 7.1.1628 (Released on June 21, 2023)
This is a patch release.
CMP-10676 It was not possible to upgrade UX1 Marketplace to version 7.1.1601.
OSS 21.8 or later.
BSS 21.8 or later.
Order Management 1.5.417 or later.
UX1 Marketplace 7.1.1601 (Released on June 16, 2023)
PFR-1981 UX1 Marketplace now supports one-time-fee products. Such products can be identified in the marketplace by a specific tag One-Time Fee and they do not contain information about the subscription period.
CMP-10504 When purchasing a plan with multi-resource volume pricing, the displayed product MSRP is now based on aggregated resource amount. Additionally, the user is warned that the margin value displayed before the checkout screen is approximate.
CMP-10294 A zero price fee could be displayed with an incorrect currency code in the cart despite the 'Show zero prices' was disabled for that fee.
CMP-10501 A customer could place an order specifying a decimal as quantity.
CMP-10253 A customer could be charged twice for setup if there were two different services with a domain and hosting in the cart.
CMP-10438 A special price could apply to the order despite no special price was specified.
CMP-10472 A product overview page was not displayed if it only contained a video.
CMP-10539 A user was prompted for a customer's ID instead of a reseller's when trying to share a cart.
OSS 21.8 or later.
BSS 21.8 or later.
Order Management 1.5.417 or later.
Product Lifecycle Management 1.11.768 or later.
UX1 Marketplace 7.0.1496 (Released on January 13, 2023)
This release of UX1 Marketplace brings the following improvements:
PFR-5830 To simplify billing and subscription renewals for both the business and its customers, UX1 Marketplace now allows staff members of resellers and providers as well as their customers to co-term a new subscription on the last step of order creation by aligning the subscription expiration date in one of the following ways:
With another customer subscription
With the end of the calendar month
Staff members of resellers and customers are now prompted on the Review Order screen of the Place an order wizard with a notification on the top and when they hover over the information icon next to a price that the order includes prorated prices for the current billing period.
PFR-4986 UX1 Marketplace now supports Calendar Billing Alignment functionality and displays prorated prices for plans where calendar billing is configured to align customer subscription billing dates with a specific day of the month.
Staff members of resellers and customers are now prompted both on the Review Offer and Review Order screens of the Place an order wizard with a notification on the top and when they hover over the information icon next to a price that the order includes prorated prices for the current billing period.
The following issues were fixed:
CMP-10305 Provider notifications for a partial catalog import have been improved.
CMP-10307 The sticky cart and search bar functionalities did not work when adding a plan to the cart and scrolling down the plan list.
CMP-10318 The discounted reseller cost could be shown instead of MSRP on the Place an order screen.
CMP-10234 The previously linked domain could be shown when linking a new domain to a service even after clearing the cart.
CMP-10242 The landing page could not be edited if a page title in the en_US locale was not set.
CMP-10303 The sales category name started with the uppercase letter on the Marketplace landing page even though it was configured to start with a lowercase letter in Sales Channels.
Note: This release requires:
OSS 21.8 or later
BSS 21.8 or later
Order Management 1.5.417 or later
UX1 Marketplace 6.8.1427 (Released on November 8, 2022)
This release of UX1 Marketplace brings the following improvements:
UX1 Marketplace now shows the setup fee in different currencies on the Review Offer screen during order creation.
This release also resolves the following issues:
The error “given key 'xx_XX' was not present in the dictionary” appeared when L2 resellers tried to search for a product on the UX1 Marketplace search bar by MPN.
The “0 year(s)” subscription period option was enabled but appeared without text in UX1 Marketplace.
For installations with a large number of service plans, the sales wizard took too long to open the Review Offer screen.
In the New Experience mode, customers could not be quoted because the wizard got stuck in the Provide Customer screen.
On the Review Offer screen, discounts could not be shown on the cost and price of a service plan.
Sometimes UX1 Marketplace could not be upgraded to version 6.8.
Note: The upgrade requires the following:
• OSS: 21.7.230 or higher
• BSS: 21.7.276 or higher
• OM: 1.5.417 or higher
UX1 Marketplace 6.7.1419 (Released on September 28, 2022)
This release of UX1 Marketplace brings the following improvement:
UX1 Marketplace now shows the discounted and promotion price per product on the Review Offer screens during order creation.
If prices are fixed in a different currency for a plan or option, the discounted or promotion price will be displayed in the pop-up window when you hover over the chart icon:
The following issues were fixed:
Hosting subscription provisioning could be significantly delayed while waiting for the parent domain subscription to be provisioned.
The error “given key 'xx_XX' was not present in the dictionary” appeared when trying to search a product rate on the UX1 Marketplace search bar if the product rate had the name specified in locale xx_XX while the plan name was not specified in the same locale.
The UX1 Marketplace Plans Indexer task (incremental) task could fail with Error processing ApsDisplayPlan for Vendor.
UX1 Marketplace 6.6.1345 (Released on July 29, 2022)
This release of UX1 Marketplace brings the following improvement:
UX1 Marketplace now allows you to configure different banners for different locales in Reseller and End-Customer Marketplace. To change a banner, go to Sales Channels and choose Home Page in the left navigation menu, select the language you need from the drop-down menu with available locales, add a link to your banner, and click Save.
The following issues were fixed:
Serbian and Slovenian locales were unavailable in the drop-down menu of available locales in Promo Section.
A new sales category was put as the first catalog tile on the Marketplace landing page after the catalog was imported again.
A dot was used instead of a comma as a decimal separator for Customer Price on the Review Order screen in the German locale.
You are about to place an order for {customer} message was not localized in the German locale on the checkout screen during order creation.
UX1 Marketplace 6.5.1307 (Released on June 16, 2022)
This release of UX1 Marketplace brings the following improvements:
UX1 Marketplace now supports the Sales Assistant scenario with Provider Marketplace and allows providers to configure Marketplace on the L0 level, enabling provider’s staff members to sell services to their direct customers using UX1 panel.
You can configure and switch the Marketplace on in Sales Channels of UX1 for Provider in Provider Marketplace.
UX1 Marketplace expands its capabilities and now allows providers and their resellers to sell services with prices fixed in different currencies, converting prices on the fly using the current exchange rate. For pricing transparency and a better user experience, UX1 Marketplace now allows you to view prices before and after conversion as well as the current exchange rate during order creation.
The platform also allows providers to use the deal pricing functionality and adjust prices before they are converted:
Note: This release requires CloudBlue Commerce 21.7, BSS 21.7, UI and Branding 21.7 and Exchange Rate Provider 1.0.
The following issues were fixed:
Tiles for plans on the product page in UX1 Marketplace could overlap in the lower screen resolution.
Fee-Price boxes could be misaligned too much with each other across plan tiles on a product page.
Note: UX1 Marketplace Plans Indexer task (incremental) was deprecated. To disable it, go to Tasks in CloudBlue Commerce Control Panel, choose Periodic, find the UX1 Marketplace Plans Indexer task (incremental), select it and click Cancel.
UX1 Marketplace 6.4.1209 (Released on May 31, 2022)
This release of UX1 Marketplace resolves the following issue:
Serbian and Slovenian locales were unavailable in Sales Channels even if they were enabled in CloudBlue Commerce
Note: This release requires CloudBlue Commerce version 21.6 or higher.
UX1 Marketplace 6.4.1207 (Released on March 30, 2022)
This release of UX1 Marketplace resolves the following issues:
Not all plans could be returned in the Reseller Marketplace search if there were multiple delegated plans with the same name.
An incorrect subscription period could be propagated to the shopping cart if it was selected in the search bar of UX1 Marketplace.
A custom attribute with the Personal tag appeared on the Add new customer > Business Account screen during order creation.
A plan was automatically added to the shopping cart after clicking a hyperlink in the plan description.
Administrative contact details were displayed for a personal account when going back during order creation.
A custom attribute was displayed empty on the Place an Order > Select Existing Customer screen.
It took a few seconds to load plan icons for page tiles on the Marketplace Home page after pages had been already loaded.
The No service plans added yet message appeared on a product page momentarily before plans were loaded.
UX1 Marketplace 6.4.1150 (Released on February 4, 2022)
This release resolves the following issue: In some cases, NCE promotional discounts were applied incorrectly.
UX1 Marketplace 6.4.1142 (Released on January 28, 2022)
This release brings the following improvements:
Users can remove all items from the shopping cart in one click.
When editing product pages, users can access the layout and formatting panel on the Overview tab even if they scroll the page down.
- Landing pages, search results pages, and sales wizards are now loaded faster.
The following issues were resolved:
- Resellers could not order Office 365 for some of their customers. They encountered errors during checkout.
- Users could not print the contents of their shopping carts.
UX1 Marketplace 6.3.1123 (Released on December 27, 2021)
This release brings the following improvements:
Users can expand the list of items in the grid view of the product catalog by clicking Show More.
Starting from CloudBlue Commerce 21.4 with BSS 21.4 and later, and UX1 Marketplace 6.3 and later, users can benefit from discounts and promotional pricing offered by Microsoft for their new commerce experience (NCE) program. During checkout, CloudBlue Commerce checks with Microsoft whether the purchase is eligible to promotional discounts. If it is, the prices are reduced in the shopping cart and a subscription is sold at a discount. The promotional discount is transparently applied throughout the entire distribution chain, from providers to resellers, and from resellers to customers.
Marketplace performance was improved.
The following issues were resolved:
- An incorrect reseller cost was displayed on the Review Order screen when a promotional discount was applied.
- Incorrect margins and costs were displayed in the product catalog, checkout, and on the search results page for plans with volume-based pricing.
UX1 Marketplace 6.2.1081 (Released on November 25, 2021)
This release brings the following improvements:
Users can view all plan tiles on a product page > Pricing tab after they click the SHOW MORE button in the Tiles view mode.
Users can now filter items in their shopping cart by name. A filter becomes available if there are more than 40 items in the cart.
The trash can icon is now displayed next to the REMOVE button.
- Marketplace performance was improved.
The following issues were resolved:
- Resource dependencies were incorrectly managed in the Marketplace cart.
- While preparing a quote, resellers could see the Order Margin input box.
- When the privilege Application UX1 Marketplace: Manage Sales Channels was revoked from resellers, users encountered an empty error message.
- Plans without subscription periods no longer block the import to the Marketplace.
- Marketplace screens could be cut off in the Edge browser.
- Incorrect prices were displayed for trial service plans, for which a discount of 100% was applied and the Show zero price option was switched on.
UX1 Marketplace 6.1.1026 (Released on October 25, 2021)
This release brings the following improvements:
The performance of Sales Channels was improved. The relevant screens now load faster.
This component is now based on Red Hat Universal Base Images (UBI). These are lightweight and more secure operating system images as they contain a minimal set of software packages.
The following issues were resolved:
- On the Review Order screen, fields overlapped while users adjusted prices.
- Users were redirected from End-Customer Marketplace to Reseller Marketplace. Links in Sales Channels referred to Reseller Marketplace.
- If discounts were applied, incorrect margins were displayed in a list of service plans (Marketplace > Service Plans).
- The Marketplace home page displayed redundant pop-up tips when users hovered the mouse pointer over product or category page tiles with long descriptions.
- Sometimes plans were sorted in alphabetical order instead of the order selected by users.
- Discount rates set to 100% were incorrectly indicated in UX1 Marketplace.
- The landing page of the Marketplace did not entirely fit the screen. It was cut off on the right side.
- Customers could not purchase services through the Marketplace if the setting Show Prices Everywhere was not enabled for their account.
- The cross-selling section of the Marketplace displayed tiles with different heights.
- After users added items to the shopping cart and then clicked Back in the browser, they could no longer see the checkout step.
- Redundant notifications were displayed when users dragged pages in Marketplace > Sales Channels.
- After users filtered service plans in Sales Channels, selected one of the plans to change its settings, and then returned to the list of plans, the filters were reset.
- Providers could not upgrade UX1 Marketplace 5.7 or earlier directly to Marketplace 6.x.
- After creating a product page in Provider Panel and reimporting the product catalog to UX1 Marketplace, the contents of the Home page were not properly updated. The product page was missing.
Discontinued functionality:
Categories in UX1 Marketplace, which were used for fine-tuning search results, are no longer available in Sales Channels and Marketplace.
We removed them due to disuse and the negative effect they had on Marketplace performance. Also, users were confused by the presence of categories and category pages at the same time. Users no longer need to filter out items by categories in the search bar because search works correctly.
UX1 Marketplace 6.0.952 (Released on September 15, 2021)
This release of UX1 Marketplace brings the following additions and enhancements:
Providers and resellers can remove any pricing information from Customer's UX1 Panel and the UX1 Marketplace: product pages, search results, and checkout. To do this, go to Provider Panel or Reseller Panel > Operations > System > Settings > Security > Roles > Customer Roles > Account Administrator > Privileges tab > Show Prices Everywhere in UX1 > Disabled. To learn more about how to remove items from the UX1 Panel, please refer to Hiding Prices in UX1 for Customers, Setting Up Visibility of On-Screen Billing Notifications, and Disabling Invoices and Payment Menu Items.
Product tiles on the landing page now display the icons of service plans that they contain and the descriptions of products.
Service plan names are easily readable. Long product page and category page descriptions are now supported.
- When viewing the vendor's catalog, users are notified that they cannot adjust its contents.
- Improved user experience in sales channel management: plans, product pages, and category pages can now be accompanied by longer and more useful descriptions. The management of pages was improved as well: users cannot accidentally drag product or category pages and drop them into other pages, or create new pages or category pages in the Categories menu.
- Performance improvements.
The following functions are no longer available: The built-in chat in the UX1 Sales Channels menu. We removed it due to disuse and the negative effect it had on Marketplace performance. Providers wanting to use the Marketplace chat function can instead easily integrate UX1 with external services using Google Analytics or they can integrate UX1 with Freshchat.
The following issues were resolved:
- Users with the Marketing user role assigned could access the areas of the UX1 Panel and Marketplace that they were not entitled to access.
- Resellers could see service plans that were not delegated to them.
- Resellers could not edit service plans that contained special characters in their names.
- Resellers and customers could not submit orders through the UX1 Marketplace.
- Resellers could not view setup fees in the Review Order step if they were registered with the system as operating units.
- Resellers could not provide discounts to customers by lowering resource prices to zero. Zero prices were ignored by the system.
- Users could submit orders even if they did not select a payment method.
- After searching for "home" in the UX1 Marketplace, the search results page displayed an empty "Home" page.
- Icons were missing or incorrectly aligned in Sales Channels > Service Plans > Pages.
UX1 Marketplace 5.7.867 (Released on July 23, 2021)
In this release of UX1 Marketplace the following issues were resolved:
- The screen with cart selection for checkout was not localized.
- Quotes did not include service option names.
Note: The built-in chat in the Sales Channels menu will be unavailable starting from the next version of UX1 Marketplace.
UX1 Marketplace 5.7.852 (Released on July 9, 2021)
This release of UX1 Marketplace brings the following additions and enhancements:
Providers can integrate other e-commerce systems with the UX1 Marketplace using direct checkout links.
Users can select service plans or products on another site and they will be redirected to the checkout in UX1 Marketplace. Learn more.
Users can now purchase domains through UX1 Marketplace:
- Customers can buy domains for themselves.
- Resellers can buy domains for their customers.
- Users can buy multiple domains in different TLDs within one order.
- Cross-selling is supported (automatic request for a domain when buying a service, for example, Microsoft 365 with a domain).
- Search for available domains is supported.
- Complementary services for domain plans are supported (WHOIS Privacy, DNSSEC, and so on).
- Provisioning parameters for domains can be set (DomainID and extra parameters).
To enable the selling of domains on CloudBlue Commerce 21.0, providers first need to install the core components bss-21.2-2597 or later, oss-21.2-2754 or later, and the Order Management extension 1.5.369 or later.
After the installation is finished, go to CloudBlue Commerce Provider Panel > Services > Sales Channels > Reseller Marketplace > Configure, and select the Resellers can sell services with domains checkbox.
Additionally, go to CloudBlue Commerce Provider Panel > System > Settings > UX1 Navigation, and check if the Select Domain view is available to users. Type Select Domain into the Label box and click Search. The item named
must have the Shown status.
Known Issues and Limitations
- UX1 Marketplace only supports domain service plans with the Use Operations Automation for DNS hosting setting in the domain service template. If you use external nameservers, specify them as activation parameters for a DNS Hosting resource.
- Resellers cannot buy domains for their own use and for other resellers.
Issues Resolved in This Version
Orders could not be submitted for customers on credit hold.
Orders stated incorrect prices for resellers who used promotional discounts and volume pricing.
Improvements to the mobile view:
The amount of ordered resources could not be displayed in the order if a language other than English was used.
The Overview tab did not display content.
The layout of the Create Page screen was broken.
Improvements to filters on the search results page:
Filters were not applied if there were several plans with the same name but with different periods and resource rates.
Users were redirected to the default tab after choosing the "Billing period" filter.
Filtering by subscription period could present incorrect results.
Search results screen stalled in the loading state if there was a referral plan in search results.
The Search bar unexpectedly collapsed even if users scrolled the screen down by one pixel.
The icons in Sales Channels were incorrectly aligned.
Pages in Sales Channels could disappear if users rearranged them by dragging and dropping.
In some cases, the Marketplace tile in the Preview section covered the Configure button making it unavailable.
Performing a search without filling in the Search input box resulted in infinite page loading.
The landing page, search results, and the sales wizard did not load fast enough.
Customers could see service plans that were not delegated to their vendor (reseller) by the provider if Marketplace was synced with the vendor catalog.
In some cases, customers could not enter promo codes. An input box for promo codes was not available.
UX1 Marketplace 5.6 (Released on May 25, 2021)
This release of UX1 Marketplace resolves the following issues:
Connect apps could not display screens in the Checkout wizard of the End-customer Marketplace.
While configuring the service plans to offer in Sales Channels, resellers made certain plans unavailable to customers. After that, their filters by applications were reset and the entire catalog of service plans and applications was displayed.
UX1 Marketplace 5.5 (Released on May 7, 2021)
This release of UX1 Marketplace resolves the following issues:
The shopping cart and the search bar are accessible even if you scroll the page down.
The list of search suggestions was improved:
- The Add to cart buttons are now displayed next to service plan names.
- Results are grouped by products, service plans, and service options.
The search results page was improved:
- Results can be filtered by subscription period and billing period.
- All service options relevant to the sought products or plans are highlighted on the Service options tab.
Other improvements:
- Search by MPN is supported.
- Pages are now loaded faster.
- The relevance of search results was improved.
- The number of results on the search results page was reduced.
- The Show more button now works correctly.
UX1 Marketplace 5.4 (Released on April 15, 2021)
Resolved issues:
- In rare cases, a search results page could not display the products the users selected on the suggestions list.
- A search by an SKU could stop working.
- A performance issue that slowed down page loading.
UX1 Marketplace 5.3 (Released on March 19, 2021)
Additions and enhancements:
- Improved search relevance, ranking, and sorting on the search results page.
- Improved suggestions in the search bar list.
Search results and suggestions in the search bar are now based on relevance and product popularity. The most relevant products are listed at the top. The popularity of each product is calculated based on user actions: When a user adds a product to a shopping cart, selects a product in a list of suggestions, or purchases a product, the products becomes more popular and is raised in the list.
UX1 Marketplace 5.2 (Released on February 19, 2021)
Additions and enhancements:
Improved search in the Marketplace:
- Automatic correction of spelling errors.
- Fuzzy search (approximate query matching).
- Complex search queries using product name and add-on name.
- Search by a part of a product name.
Resellers registered in the system as Operating Units can adjust customers' prices while placing sales orders on behalf of end customers in the Reseller Marketplace.
Customers can apply promo codes while placing orders in the End-customer Marketplace.
- 30 issues were resolved and other improvements were made.
UX1 Marketplace 5.1
Additions and enhancements:
Resellers can see the total price of a customer's order in UX1 for Resellers Panel. This is convenient when resellers purchase on behalf of their customers and need to know the price to communicate it to users before the purchase.
- Providers and resellers can accept payments made with methods that rely on the 3-D secure mechanism.
- Marketplace screens are now loaded faster and are more responsive.
- Numerous issues were resolved.
UX1 Marketplace 5.0
Additions and enhancements:
- Public End-Customer Marketplace for prospective customers.
- Quotes for customers.
- Sales channel management in UX1 for Providers.
- Banner adjustment.
- A number of issues were resolved.
Public End-Customer Marketplace
Now, you can let internet users visit your marketplace and browse your product catalog without signing up or signing in.
Note: To use the Public End-Customer Marketplace, you must install the CB 20.4.0 Hotfix Platform v.22, CB 20.4.0 Hotfix PUI v.16, the User Account Management 1.1.274, Identity Service 1.7-235, Order Management 1.3-243, and GDPR 3.2.16 extensions. The GDPR 3.2.16 extension is only needed if you are operating in a EU country.
You can publish the End-Customer Marketplace in a few clicks and specify at which address this Marketplace will be available. You can also configure a separate address for the customer sign-up form.
Learn more in Making Your End-Customer Marketplace Available to the Public.
Quotes for Customers
Add products to a shopping cart and prepare a quote for a customer based on its contents.
Brand a quote according to your company style and adjust the PDF layout: Upload a company logo, select columns to include, add comments, customer details, and reseller details.
What else you can do:
- Set a validity period.
- Display a quote in the End-Customer Marketplace to let your customers purchase the offers in the quote.
- Copy a direct link to a quote and share it with a customer.
- Manage the quotes you created.
Learn more in Preparing Quotes.
Sales Channel Management in UX1 for Providers
Configure sales channels for your customers and resellers by using UX1 Control Panel: manage Marketplace content, configure the Home page, product pages, categories, and service plans.
Banner Adjustment
Adjust the position of the banner while editing the landing page of the Marketplace.
UX1 Marketplace 4.1
Additions and enhancements:
- End-Сustomer Marketplace.
- Printing a quote to PDF.
- Adding a credit card during checkout.
- A number of issues were resolved.
End-Сustomer Marketplace
Resellers can build a products catalog to display in Customer Marketplace. They can build it based on the vendor's catalog (L1) or they can build it from scratch using their own service plans.
The new Marketplace offers better navigation, powerful search, and a shopping cart with the option to buy several products at once.
Resellers can choose the service plans and products that must be available to customers, and they can use these marketing tools: banners, promotions, cross-selling options on product pages.
Customers who visit the Marketplace are offered an introduction tour to facilitate onboarding.
Printing a Quote to PDF
Resellers can print a quote to a PDF file and share the file with customers. To do that, they need to add products to a cart, go to the cart, click Print a Quote, add a comment or description for a quote, select the columns to be displayed in a quote, and click Print a Quote. After that, they can share it with customers.
- Providers (L0) can provide quotes to their customers (L1) if the Marketplace is configured at the provider (L0) level.
- L1 resellers can provide quotes to L2 resellers if the Marketplace is configured at the L1 reseller level.
- L2 resellers can provide quotes to their L3 customers if the Marketplace is configured at the L2 reseller level.
Adding a Credit Card During Checkout
When purchasing on behalf of a customer, resellers can choose the credit card to be used for automatic payments by default.
- Orders will be automatically paid using the default payment method at the time of order processing.
- Outstanding invoices will be automatically charged using the default payment method on the invoice due date.
Marketplace administrators can allow resellers who pay upfront and use automatic payments to place orders. Resellers will be prompted to add or select an online payment method to be used for automatic payments by default.
Cross-selling Opportunities
- Content managers can now configure a list of services to be displayed at the bottom of a particular product page in the Cross-Sell carousel.
- Resellers can use Cross-Sell opportunities to build the right offer for their end customers while getting more value.
- End customers get more relevant or complementary services while seeking products they want to buy in the Marketplace.
UX1 Marketplace 4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.1.3
These releases resolve the following issues:
- An error with the enablement of the End-customer Marketplace.
- The End-customer Marketplace could display an empty landing page.
- The Customer Panel could display two Marketplace menu items in the left side menu.
- The search bar in the Marketplace could stop working and this could make the entire Marketplace inoperable.
- The Marketplace no longer switches accidentally to the maintenance mode.
UX1 Marketplace 4.0
UX1 Marketplace 4.0.0-1381 brings the following additions and enhancements:
- When resellers purchase for their own use, they can choose how to pay. In the Checkout step, they are prompted to add or select a card with which to pay.
- New user experience for products with tiered prices.
- A carousel for better viewing of featured products and services in the search results page.
- A new Ingram Micro Cloud branding.
The following issues were resolved:
- An issue with importing new sales categories and service plans to a Marketplace Sales Channel.
- An issue with unexpected errors when loading product pages.
- An issue where 3-level product pages could display incorrect content.
- An issue where a custom locale could cause errors while importing sales categories and service plans to a Marketplace Sales Channel.
- 39 other critical issues.
Adding a Bank Card During Checkout
When purchasing for your own use, you can add a new bank card with which to pay, or you can select a card specified earlier.
Taking Advantage of Tiered Pricing
We have made several improvements related to buying products with tiered prices:
- For products with tiered prices, the "Tiered Pricing" label is displayed on all Marketplace pages.
- Product tiles display the maximum and minimum tiered prices.
- When placing the mouse pointer over the "Tiered Pricing" label, all available tiers are displayed in a pop-up window.
- Tiered prices are displayed on the Checkout pages as well.
Better Presentation of Featured Products and Services
Featured products and services are now displayed in search results in a "carousel".
UX1 Marketplace 3.1.2
Configuration of Marketplace for L1 Resellers
With this release, you can build Marketplace for your L1 resellers.
For your resellers to have access to the UX1 Marketplace catalog, you must first import your catalog. Your product pages, categories and plans will then be displayed in the Marketplace for your resellers’ use.
To import your catalog, complete the following steps:
- Log in as Provider.
- Go to Sales Channels.
- Click Import Catalog.
After the import is finished, the offers are available in the Marketplace to L1 resellers.
Note that there are certain limitations that will be removed in later versions:
- Providers cannot edit the imported items, they can only import sales categories with plans that were configured and published.
- Additionally, they will be able to remove product pages from UX1 only using API.
UX1 Marketplace 3.1
New Resource Constraints
With this release, you can control which resources must be paired, which ones cannot be, and in which scenarios. This includes:
- Parent resources which enable child options. You can edit these options and add more, less or the same amount of options that the parent has.
- Option conflicts on the subscription level, enabling you to exclude certain items from being purchased together within a subscription.
Now, UX1 supports the following BSS configuration of resource constraints:
- The parent resource enables the child resources, and the number of child options are not limited by the parent
- The child resource refers to the parent resource
- The dependency kind is "Requires"
- The multiplier is empty
- The parent resource enables the child resources, but the number of child options cannot be more than the parent's
- The child resource refers to the parent resource
- The dependency kind is "Requires"
- The multiplier is 1
- The parent resource enables the child resources, and the number of child options are equal to the parent's (mirroring)
- The child resource references the parent resource
- The dependency kind is "Provided by"
- The multiplier is 1
For resources that are conflicted on the subscription level, only one of the conflicting resources can be added to a subscription.
- The dependency kind is "Conflicts on subscription level"
New Marketplace Access Roles
UX1 Marketplace 3.1 delivers new user privileges that allow limited access to specific functionality to users. By default, all these privileges are enabled and added to the Account Administrator role.
These roles are:
- Marketing User
- Content Manager
- Marketplace Administrator
For more details on the Marketing User role, see the UX1 Marketplace 3.1 for Resellers notes.
Content Manager
The Content Manager role is aimed at business users in charge of managing sales channels. In this role, the user has all the required privileges to change the overall look of the marketplace, including:
- Banners
- Promoted service setup
- Product and category pages using a Rich Text Editor (icons, titles, descriptions and so on)
The Content Manager role must include the following privilege in enabled mode:
- Application UX1 Marketplace: Manage Content
And the following privileges in disabled mode:
- Application UX1 Marketplace: Delete Content
- Application UX1 Marketplace: Import Catalog
- Application UX1 Marketplace: Manage Sales Channels
- UX1 Navigation Element Implicit Access
Marketplace Administrator
The Marketplace Administrator role can fully customize the marketplace, and has the privilege to turn the marketplace off and on for a reseller. Marketplace Administrators can also rearrange the main menu (Home, Marketplace and so on) as well as upload, edit and delete product catalog items and other customizable content in UX1 Marketplace.
The Marketplace Administrator role must include the following privileges in enabled mode:
- Application UX1 Marketplace: Manage Sales Channels
- Application UX1 Marketplace: Manage Content
- Application UX1 Marketplace: Import Catalog
- Application UX1 Marketplace: Delete Content
And the following privilege in disabled mode:
- UX1 Navigation Element Implicit Access
Shared Carts
Create, save, and share carts between resellers to seamlessly extend business operations.
In the Saved Carts screen, enter a Reseller ID for that reseller to see your cart in their "Carts shared with me".
Sharing is available only to those users with special privileges - generally, the sales team.
Note: The privilege "Application UX1 Marketplace: Restrict Carts Sharing With Resellers" must be disabled for your user to be able to use this functionality.
UX1 Marketplace 2.4
Introductory Tour
There is an introductory tour for new users who log in to the Marketplace. This is only available to the users of the American English (EN_US) locale.
Promo Tiles for Product Pages
Now, providers and resellers can configure promo tiles for any product pages in the Marketplace. Previously, promo tiles could only be configured based on CloudBlue Commerce Billing sales categories.
New Discovery Experience
Product description in the Marketplace can host more content that helps you discover offers and decide about purchase.
New Search Tabs
Find exactly what you need quickly and easily thanks to the addition of tabs. Tabs allow you to filter search results by product, SKU, service plan, and plan option for easier catalog navigation.
Make Purchases on Behalf of Your Customer
Add Service Plans to your customer's Shopping Cart and complete the purchase on their behalf.
Adjust Prices as Late as at Checkout
UX1 Marketplace gives you full control over the prices as late as the checkout stage, allowing you to adjust prices according to your business needs.
Content Management
To boost your sales and make your marketplace more attractive for customers, you can now easily build and compose UX1 Marketplace content.
This includes:
- Importing your existing product catalog from CloudBlue Commerce with one click
- Customizing your catalog with the Rich Text Editor to compose the layout of your Category and Product Pages, Categories and Plans
- Defining the categories of products and plans and controlling their visibility
- Designing your product pages
- Defining the Home page representation including a configurable banner section, the color and the Top Selling Services section
Configuring promo tiles for all products in the Marketplace. Previously, promo tiles could only be configured based on CloudBlue Commerce Billing sales categories.
Resale Control
You can now choose what your resellers are able to sell by making any service plan, product or category visible or invisible by hovering over an item to click on the eye that appears. If any of these items is invisible to a reseller, the eye is crossed out and looks as follows:
Navigation Management
You can now easily manage the UX1 MP tile position on the Home page and the MP navigation item position right in the UX1 panel. The scenarios with the MP and Sales Channels disablement are changed:
- If you turn off the UX1 MP, it is hidden for your resellers.
- If you disable the UX1 MP configuration, the Sales Channels section is hidden for your resellers.
Tailor the Purchasing Experience
You can now change the look and feel of the buying experience by customizing screens, including:
- changing the banner and theme color
- switching pictures displayed on the home page
- ordering the main menu on the left
Saved and Shared Shopping Carts
Prepare preconfigured offers for your customers by composing the shopping cart templates, which you can then share with customers, resellers, and within an account.
Sorting by Essential Seats
Now all minimum required and included seats in a service plan are displayed at the top of the list.
Services with an External Catalog
Now UX1 MP supports services with an external catalog which means that the SKUs and prices are taken from the application's external catalog. A vendor's application must be plugged into UX1 Marketplace using a special plug-in interface and a placeholder to embed its own view plugin for selecting products and prices from the external catalog.
Current limitations:
1. BSS promo codes and discounts are not supported.
2. Product prices extracted from the external catalog cannot be adjusted while proceeding to the checkout screen.
Support for Adjusting Quantities in Trial Plans
Now you can adjust resource quantities for trial plans in the UX1 Marketplace if the respective resource rates are marked as configurable for trial plans. For more detailed information about resource rate configuration for trial plans, please refer to the Billing Provider's Guide.
Introductory Tour
There is an introductory tour for new users who log in to the Marketplace. This is only available to the users of the American English (EN_US) locale.
New Deployment Procedure
UX1 MP 2.0 supports Odin Automation 8.0 and later. The deployment procedure is now unified and standardized with other platform microservice deployments. This new approach provides stability and the capability for one person to maintain all microservices. The UX1 MP is now installed using Helm. For more details about the new installation and upgrade procedures, please refer to the Deploying UX1 Marketplace 2.x.
Other Changes
- The padding (white space) around items in sales categories was increased.
- The See More button in the Marketplace expands the catalog of items and displays them in tile view.
- The tile view now displays only three service plans per category.
UX1 Marketplace 1.4
System Behavior Enhancement
Original and discounted costs as well as actual margins are now reflected on placing order screens.
Performance Improvements
We keep working on performance improvements to make your experience more convenient.
This release includes significant improvements that provide you with:
- Much faster access to the UX1 Marketplace
- Page loading in 3 seconds or less
It is now possible due to
- Pre-loading and caching of Product Catalog and static content
- Platform API improvements that provide getting content faster
- JS script bundling, so browsers can process them quickly
UX1 Marketplace 1.3
Introductory Tour and Walk-Through Guide
Improve resellers' experience and keep them informed about UX1 MP enhancements by using the introduction-tour and walk-through guide!
If you do not need them, you can turn them off in the Sales Channels section.
If you need to disable it for L1 resellers, follow the instructions in this article.
Chat Support
Equip your Marketplace with top complementary solutions to deliver an outstanding reseller experience.
In UX1, you can configure the chat settings at the Sales Channels section by using a widget URL to integrate with the Zendesk solution (currently supported by UX1 MP).
Powerful MP Tile Customization
UX1 MP delivers a branded experience to all your partners, regardless of brands' unique style and colors.
You can now set an image (including gifs) as a background of your MP tile to support special events or everyday business needs. All partners will understand your message as localization is easier than ever.
In UX1, you can configure the MP tile settings in the Sales Channels section.
Service Plan Costs Displayed with the Minimum Number of Units
UX1 Marketplace now displays service plan costs with the minimum number of units to be purchased. When a plan is configured this way, UX1 MP will show costs associated with its purchasing.
To configure a service plan displayed as described, please refer to the Odin Automation 7.4 Release Notes.
On the figure below, you can see that the total order costs include the minimum required number of units.
UX1 Marketplace 1.2
Buying Services from Mobile Devices
Purchasing services in UX1 Marketplace is now supported on your mobile devices. It is now extremely easy to buy on behalf of a customer on the go!
Recognizable Discounts for Service Plans
When you would like to promote a plan by providing a discount to your partners, Marketplace will make it visually appealing to them by displaying savings in both tile and grid views. Partners will easily find the best offer sorting all plans by margin.
Reseller Permissions for Deal Pricing
You can now control who on your team is eligible to work with Deal Pricing. When you need to let your team or your partners adjust a price for a deal, there are special permissions available for you for this purpose.
Note: We do recommend keeping discount management allowed to vendors only; partners can manage availability of price adjustment on their level.
Show or Hide MSRP in UX1 Marketplace
Define whether the MSRP will be shown to resellers in UX1 Marketplace. Upon new deployment or an upgrade of UX1 Marketplace, this option is turned off by default.
Resellers Buying Services for Reselling
Services that resellers should buy before buying the same on behalf of their end-customers are now supported. You can choose whether to expose these offers to resellers or not.
Such plans are marked as "Reseller only". For convenience, the system will not allow your resellers to put a plan for a reseller and a customer in one shopping cart.
UX1 Marketplace 1.1
Get Access to Recently Promoted Services
You can now access the list of expired promotions and manage them: for example, bring back an expired promotion in one click.
Promote a Service Easily – Now Also on Mobile
The UX1 Marketplace has just become even more mobile: manage your promotions with ease from any iOS or Android device.
Promoted Service Prices are now Highlighted
From now, promotions will not go unnoticed. The price of a promoted service is highlighted on the tile to draw attention to that promotion.
UX1 Marketplace 1.0
It is a common practice for a provider to have regional divisions in different geographic regions. Such divisions are configured as level-one (L1) resellers in CloudBlue Commerce. These L1 resellers usually have sub-resellers that are level-two (L2) resellers in CloudBlue Commerce, who resell the services to end-customers.
The UX1 Marketplace provides you with the ability to set up Marketplace for your regional divisions and provides your regional divisions with the ability to set up Marketplace for their sub-resellers.
Launch Marketplace for Your Regional Divisions
Decide what Marketplace your regional divisions will use and provide them with the ability to configure Marketplace for their sub-resellers.
Customize your reseller’s Marketplace tile which appears on the Home page.
Pause UX1 Marketplace During Maintenance
Temporarily disable UX1 Marketplace for your regional divisions whenever it needs maintenance. Resume Marketplace once maintenance is complete.
Launch Marketplace for Your Resellers
Your regional divisions can launch Marketplace for their resellers. The functionality is the same as described above, but with the added ability to set up a Promo Section for resellers.
Configure Promo Section
Your divisions can set up the Promo Section for their resellers. The following can be defined:
- Which services to promote (create a draft, publish, change the order of service tiles)
- The content and appearance of a service tile
- The promotion period for each service
Deal Pricing
Your regional divisions can give their resellers a discount on-the-fly. They just need to log in on behalf of their L2 reseller and place the order for an end-customer. The discounted cost shows the price that an L2 reseller will pay your regional division. Your regional divisions can also opt to keep the discounted price for the subscription after the renewal.
Purchase Order Numbers
In addition to basic account information, you can assign your own Purchase Order Numbers to orders. This will help you to quickly identify transactions and more quickly map them to your local ERP or accounting system during billing data export.
APS-Based Services
Services based on APS technology are easily embedded in UX1 Marketplace. For example, the Microsoft 365 application can embed its screens in the purchase wizard.
A Powerful Search Tool
Find what you need quickly by using the Search bar in Marketplace.
All relevant suggestions are displayed on-the-fly and are grouped by:
- Category
- Services
- Service Plans
- Service Options
You can also search by SKU and the results will display all items where the SKU is found.
If you select a service plan among the search suggestions, you will be redirected to a page where the selected service plan is shown at the top and labeled as Found in Search.
If you select a service option among the search suggestions, you will be redirected to a page where all plans, including this selected option, are shown at the top and labeled as Found in Search. This ensures that you are adding the right plan and options to your cart.
At the Review Offer step, the selected service option is also labeled as Found in Search to help you keep track of the selected item.
View Options for Service Plans
Adjust the view of service plans according to your needs: either on separate tiles with full descriptions, or in a table (more suitable for viewing a long list of plans).
Find the most suitable plan for you by sorting them by Margin.
Multiple Service Plans in One Order
Buy multiple service plans in one order! You can add service plans to your Shopping Cart and drop them if you change your mind.
Autosaved Shopping Cart
Items placed in the shopping cart are automatically saved and can be purchased later. Information about the selected services is bound to a user and will be shown the next time the user logs in, regardless of device.
Extended Service Offers with Different Options
Add value to your offers by extending them with additional options at the Review Offer step.
Address Autocomplete Feature with Google Places
UX1 Marketplace provides you with an outstanding buying and user experience. You can buy services on behalf of your customers and can easily fill in their addresses quickly with the autocomplete feature by Google Places. Start typing the address and the system will automatically suggest available variants and fill in all the fields including the corresponding Zip Code.
Order Details
When the order is placed, you will have two options: return to the Marketplace and buy more services or log in on behalf of a customer and view the ordered services.
Buying services for your customers is now very convenient with the new UX1 Marketplace!