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Application Packaging Standard

Last updated 18-Mar-2019

Widget Categories

For your convenience, all widgets exposed by APS JS SDK are split into categories as presented by this document.


Input category allows a user to enter values of objects in various ways. It consists of the following widgets:

Common Properties

There are some general properties and methods used by all or by most of the widgets of this category.

PROPERTY TYPE DEFAULT User Panel Description
autoSize Boolean true CP Used only in widgets that have the input text field and directly affects the size property
size Integer 10 CP Used only in widgets that have the input text field and defines the width of this field
label String “” CP, UX1
Widget label:
- In CP, it is displayed only if an aps/FieldSet is the parent
- In UX1, it is displayed above the widget regardless of inclusion into an aps/FieldSet
description String “” CP, UX1 Widget description placed under the widget content
hint String “” CP, UX1 Additional help placed under the widget content or under description if it is used
placeHolder String “” CP, UX1 In an input text field, it is a grayed out text used to show a sample value. For a button, it is a popup tooltip.

Size and Autosize

The autoSize and size properties are used in CP and only in those widgets that have the input field to enter a text. By default, the autoSize property is set to true, and a CSS class with a certain width is assigned to the widget based on the value of the size property:

size <= 7 f-small-size (40px)
7 < size <= 33 f-middle-size (215px)
size > 33 f-big-size (240px)

If you switch the autoSize property to false, the input field width is defined by the browser.


Input widgets usually have own custom validation methods as explained in the next sections. In some of widgets (TextBox, TextArea, and ComboBox), it is also possible to define an external or custom validate method. The method is linked with a widget through the extraValidator property. Currently, there are two options for this property:

  • To validate the mail address format, use the isEmailAddress validator in the aps/validate/web module.
  • Assign a custom method, to use your own validation algorithm.

If you need to define your own error message displayed in case the extra validator returns false, redefine the getCustomErrorMessage method to return the needed message.

Both options are demonstrated in the following example:


], function(declare, _View, load, web) {

    var namePattern1 = /^\d/,
        namePattern2 = /_/,
    load(["aps/PageContainer", [
        ["aps/Container", [

            ["aps/TextBox", {
                id: "name",
                label: "Your Name",
                value: "",
                required: true,
                missingMessage: "The field is required",
                gridSize: "md-6",
                pattern: ".*-123",
                invalidMessage: "Ensure the name is not started with a digit and append `-123` to the name",
                extraValidator: function(val) {
                    // Data processing, e.g.:
                    flag = namePattern2.test(val);
                    if (namePattern1.test(val) || flag) {
                        return false;
                    return true;
                getCustomErrorMessage: function(){
                        return "Underscore is not allowed in a name";

            ["aps/TextBox", {
                id: "getmailaddress",
                label: "Your Mail Address",
                value: "test@aps",
                gridSize: "md-6",
                extraValidator: web.isEmailAddress


When testing the validation process, pay attention to the following validation order.

  1. If a value is required but is actually empty, the error message assigned to the missingMessage property is displayed.
  2. If a value does not match the pattern, the error message assigned to the invalidMessage property is displayed.
  3. If the extra validation function returns false, the error message is determined as follows:
    • If the getCustomErrorMessage method returns a message, this will be displayed.
    • Otherwise, the error message assigned to the invalidMessage property is displayed.


Input category allows a user to activate a certain process. It consists of the following widgets:

  • aps/Button - a general button that you can insert in any place of a view screen.
  • aps/DropDownButton - drop-down list of buttons providing a list of actions over an object usually in a aps/Tile or in a aps/Grid.
  • aps/Toolbar - buttons in a grid toolbar providing operations over objects selected in the grid.

Besides those buttons that an application can use in its views, there are also Navigation or transition controls explained in general and particularly for UX1.


A widget from the container category normally embeds a number of other widgets including other containers. It consists of the following widgets:

Common Properties

There are common properties and methods used by containers as presented here.

label String empty CP, UX1 Text shown as a label when the widget is inside an aps/FieldSet widget
title String empty CP, UX1 Text shown in the header of the container
description String empty CP, UX1 Text shown under the header of the container and over the content of the container
hint String empty CP, UX1 Supplementary information
collapsed Boolean false CP, UX1 Hides the container contents leaving visible only its title and label
collapsible Boolean false CP, UX1 Provides an icon that allows a user to collapse the container.

The following example illustrates some of the general container properties.


], function(load) {
    load(["aps/Container", {
            title: "Parent Container Title",
            label: "Parent Container Label",
            description: "This is the parent Container description",
            hint: "Hint about the parent Container"
            ["aps/FieldSet", {
                    title: "FieldSet Title",
                    label: "FieldSet Label",
                    description: "This is the Field Set description"
                    ["aps/Container", {
                        title: "Container1 Title",
                        label: "Container1 Label",
                        description: "This is the Container1 description",
                        hint: "Hint about the Container1",
                        collapsed: true
                    ["aps/Container", {
                        title: "Container2 Title",
                        label: "Container2 Label",
                        description: "This is the Container2 description",
                        hint: "Hint about the Container2",
                        collapsible: true

Common Methods

The following methods are used to manage child widgets in a container.

addChild child, insertIndex Inserts the specified child widget into the position specified by the insertIndex argument.
removeChild child Removes the specified child widget from the parent widget.
removeAll - Removes all children.
startup - Called after the widget and all its children have been created. Also used when the widget is declared using the widget constructor method.
layout - It is called after startup() to place all children on the page. Composite widgets override this method to size and position their children. The Dojo placeat method calls the startup method.
validate - Calls the validate method in each child to check the correctness of input data.
destroy - Destroys the widget and all its child objects.


The addChild(widget, insertIndex) method adds the specified widget as a child into a certain position. The optional insertIndex argument defines this position by means of the following possible values:

  • “first” - insert into the first position
  • “last” (default value) - add to the last position
  • Integer in the range started from 0 - insert into the specified position

APS JS SDK provides various containers described in the following sections.


The validate method is private. It is always called, when a value is changed. If your view has input widgets and you use required or pattern to check correctness of the input data, the validate method is called in each child to check the correctness of input data. If the data is correct, the method returns true, otherwise the method returns false and sets focus on the element where the user made a mistake while inputting data.


There are two widgets in this category that function together:

The container based on the aps/MessageList module can contain a number of aps/Message widgets. This helps you create and manage dynamically notifications in a control panel.


There are various output widgets you can use in your code to display some data for users: