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Application Packaging Standard

Last updated 18-Mar-2019


Creates an HTML radio-button.


All user panels - CP and UX1


The RadioButton widget is a modified analog of the radioButton HTML element.

In addition to the standard properties of the HTML element, such as value, checked, and disabled. the widget may have description (description), a name for displaying in a FieldSet (label or title), and may also have child elements. As with a usual HTML element, grouping of several RadioButton widgets is implemented by specifying the same value for their name property. For more information about the name property see Base Properties and Methods.


In the next versions, we will implement a special widget for the aps/RadioButton group. If you already use the aps/RadioButton group, you can monitor user activity by means of the onClick method.

var val;
load(["aps/FieldSet", [
   ["aps/Panel", [
      ["aps/RadioButton", {
         name: 'test',
         onClick: function(){ val = 1; }
      ["aps/RadioButton", {
         name: 'test',
         onClick: function(){ val = 2; }
      ["aps/RadioButton", {
         name: 'test',
         onClick: function(){ val = 3; }

Find the nested rules for this widget in the recommended Widget Hierarchy.

The widget may also have child widgets from the input category.


The Declarations section describes generally the methods of widget declaration.

Declaration using Loader


require(["aps/load", "aps/ready!"],
    "use strict";

    load(["aps/PageContainer", [
        ["aps/Panel", [
            ["aps/RadioButton", {
                value: "loader",
                description: "I am RadioButton"

Declaration using Constructor


require(["aps/RadioButton", "aps/Panel", "aps/PageContainer", "aps/ready!"],
  function(RadioButton, Panel, PageContainer){
    "use strict";

    var page = new PageContainer({}, "simpleRadioButton");
    var panel = new Panel();
    panel.addChild(new RadioButton({
      value: "program",
      description: "I am RadioButton"

Radio Button as a Parent


require(['dijit/registry', 'aps/load', 'aps/ready!'],
    function(registry, load) {
        load(["aps/Panel", [
            ["aps/FieldSet", {
                    title: "Input parameters"
                    ["aps/RadioButton", {
                        name: "inputs",
                        id: "btn1",
                        gridSize: "md-12 xs-12",
                        //hint: "Available",
                        description: "Save all predefined parameters",
                        onClick: function() {
                            registry.byId('predefined').set('visible', false);
                            registry.byId('inputbox').set('visible', false);
                    ["aps/RadioButton", {
                            name: "inputs",
                            id: "btn2",
                            gridSize: "md-12 xs-12",
                            description: "Select predefined parameters",
                            onClick: function() {
                                registry.byId('predefined').set('visible', true);
                                registry.byId('inputbox').set('visible', false);
                            ["aps/FieldSet", {
                                    id: "predefined",
                                    visible: false
                                    ["aps/CheckBox", {
                                        id: "cb1",
                                        gridSize: "md-6 xs-12",
                                        description: "param1='start'"
                                    ["aps/CheckBox", {
                                        id: "cb2",
                                        gridSize: "md-6 xs-12",
                                        description: "param2='stop'"
                    ["aps/RadioButton", {
                            name: "inputs",
                            id: "btn3",
                            gridSize: "md-12 xs-12",
                            description: "Enter custom parameters",
                            onClick: function() {
                                registry.byId('predefined').set('visible', false);
                                registry.byId('inputbox').set('visible', true);
                            ["aps/FieldSet", [
                                ["aps/TextBox", {
                                    id: "inputbox",
                                    gridSize: "md-12 xs-12",
                                    visible: false,
                                    autoSize: false,
                                    placeHolder: "param1='value1' param2='value2'"


Public Properties

autoSize boolean true Only for PCP / CCP v1.
checked boolean false If the widget is checked, then true.
description string “” Textual description to be displayed as a small greyed text under the control.
disabled boolean false Specifies if the widget will respond to user input.
gridSize string undefined This specifies the widget width that is relevant only for widgets inside Container, FieldSet, or Tiles.
hint string “” Help information in a widget.
isBusy boolean false If the widget is busy then this property is true.
label string “” Text that is shown as a label if the widget is placed inside a aps/FieldSet.
name string “” A string specifying the relationship between several widgets.
optionalText string undefined Text for optional widgets of the Input category.
placeHolder string “” Grayed out initial string in a field.
required boolean false User is required to enter data in the input field.
size number 10 - PCP / CCP v1, undefined - CCP v2 Affects the selection of a CSS class that defines the width of the input field of the widget.
value string “” Current value of the widget.
visible boolean true If this property value is set to true, then the widget is visible.

autoSize boolean

Only for PCP / CCP v1. If this property value is set to “true”, then a CSS class is assigned to the widget based on the value of the “size” property: size <= 7 - f-small-size (40px) 7 < size <= 33 - f-middle-size (215px) 33 < size - f-big-size (240px) The default value of this property is true. If you want to use your own CSS class for defining the widget’s size, you should set this property value to “false” and specify your class name in the widget’s “class” property. Default value: true

checked boolean

If the widget is checked, then true. Default value: false.

description string

Textual description to be displayed as a small greyed text under the control. Default value: “”.

disabled boolean

Specifies if the widget will respond to user input.

Default value: false.

gridSize string

This specifies the widget width that is relevant only for widgets inside Container, FieldSet, or Tiles. In other cases it will be ignored.

gridSize string contains few options with number values (from 1 to 12) separated by spaces, which specify the grid size of the widget in different layouts:

- md - desktop

- xs - phone

For example, gridSize: “md-4 xs-2”.

All values below 1, e.g. “md-0”, will be replaced with the empty string (“”), values above 12, e.g. “md-14”, will be reduced to 12 (“md-12”).

Default value: undefined.

hint string

Help information in a widget. It is shown under the content of the widget. Deprecated in CCP v2. Default value: “”.

isBusy boolean

If the widget is busy then this property is true.

Default value: false.

label string

Text that is shown as a label if the widget is placed inside a aps/FieldSet.

Default value: “”.

name string

A string specifying the relationship between several widgets. Default value: “”.

optionalText string

Text for optional widgets of the Input category. Default value: undefined.

placeHolder string

Grayed out initial string in a field. For example, it can display instructions. Default value: “”.

required boolean

User is required to enter data in the input field. Default value: false.

size number

Affects the selection of a CSS class that defines the width of the input field of the widget. See the specification for more details.

size <= 7        f-small-size (40px)
7 < size <= 33   f-middle-size (215px)
size > 33        f-big-size (240px)

Default value: 10 - PCP / CCP v1, undefined - CCP v2.

value string

Current value of the widget. Default value: “”.

visible boolean

If this property value is set to true, then the widget is visible.

Default value: true.

Public Methods

addChild (child, insertIndex)
Makes the given widget a child of this widget
cancel ()
Sets the isBusy property to false
destroy ()
Destroy this widget
focus ()
Focusing on the focusNode of the current object
get ()
Get a property of the Stateful instance
getChildren ()
Returns all direct children of this widget, i
getParents ()
Discover and return all parents of the widget
placeAt ()
Place this widget somewhere in the DOM based on standard dojo/dom-construct::place() conventions
removeAll ()
Remove all children in the widget
removeChild (widget)
Removes the passed widget instance from this widget and destroys it
reset ()
Resets the widget
set ()
Set a property of the Stateful instance
startup ()
Gets started after the DOM fragment is added to the document
validate ()
Called by oninit, onblur, and onkeypress


Makes the given widget a child of this widget. Inserts specified child widget’s dom node as a child of this widget’s container node, and possibly does other processing (such as layout).

Return: undefined

Child widget
Position child in the parent widget


Sets the isBusy property to false.

Return: object


Destroy this widget. Will also destroy any resources (including widgets) registered via this.own(). This method will also destroy internal widgets such as those created from a template.

Return: undefined


Focusing on the focusNode of the current object.

Return: aps/_input function


Get a property of the Stateful instance. Get a named property of the Stateful object. The property may potentially be retrieved via a getter method in subclasses.

In the base class, this just retrieves the object’s property.

Return: any


Returns all direct children of this widget, i.e. all widgets underneath this.containerNode whose parent is this widget. Note that it returns not all descendetns, but only the direct children. Analogous to Node.childNodes, except containing widgets rather than DOMNodes.

The result intentionally excludes internally created widgets (a.k.a. supporting widgets) outside of this.containerNode.

Note the returned array is a simple array. The application code should not assume existence of methods like forEach().

Return: array


Discover and return all parents of the widget.

Return: array


Place this widget somewhere in the DOM based on standard dojo/dom-construct::place() conventions. A convenience function providing a simple shorthand mechanism to put an existing (or newly created) widget somewhere in the DOM, and allow chaining.

Return: dijit/_widgetbase function


Remove all children in the widget.

Return: undefined


Removes the passed widget instance from this widget and destroys it. You can also pass in an integer indicating the index within the container to remove (ie, removeChild(5) removes the sixth widget).

Return: undefined

Child widget or index


Resets the widget.

Return: undefined


Set a property of the Stateful instance. Sets named properties of the stateful object and notifies the watchers of the property. A programmatic setter may be defined in subclasses.

Return: object function


Gets started after the DOM fragment is added to the document Called after the widget and its children have been created and added to the page, and all related widgets have finished their create() cycle, up through postCreate().

Note that startup() may be called while the widget is still hidden, for example if the widget is inside a hidden dijit/Dialog or an unselected tab of a dijit/layout/TabContainer. For widgets that need to do layout, it’s best to put that layout code inside resize(), and then extend dijit/layout/_LayoutWidget so that resize() is called when the widget is visible.

Return: undefined


Called by oninit, onblur, and onkeypress. Show missing or invalid messages if appropriate, and highlight textbox field.

Return: boolean

Public Events

onClick ()
The method is called when a user clicks on the widget


The method is called when a user clicks on the widget.