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Application Packaging Standard

Last updated 18-Mar-2019

List of Widgets

The following table helps you in selection of widgets for various control panels used in the platform.

WIDGET Category User Panel Description
ActiveList Containers CP A separate active visual block containing ActiveItem widgets and other
ActiveItem Containers CP Used as a child in an ActiveList and contains other widgets
Button Buttons CP, UX1 Used to activate an operation through a handler
CheckBox Inputs CP, UX1 Allows a user to select an option
ComboBox Inputs CP, UX1 Helps a user to find the needed option by presenting dynamically a list of items meeting the partially entered string
Container Containers CP, UX1 Contains other widgets and can be added to other container types
DateTextBox Inputs CP, UX1 Allows a user to type or choose a date from a calendar widget
FieldSet Containers CP, UX1
Contains other widgets with their labels
Note: in UX1, labels of widgets are displayed even without inclusion into a FieldSet
Gauge Outputs CP, UX1 Displays a level of a resource usage
Grid Outputs CP, UX1 Contains integrated toolbar, search engine, and table
Hr - CP, UX1 Displays a horizontal line
InfoBoard Containers CP A container inside an ActiveItem
ListSwitcher Containers CP, UX1 Contains definition of a Grid and an ActiveList (CP) or a Tiles (UX1), but displays only one of them depending on selection
Message Messages CP, UX1 Is a child of a MessageList and displays a message of a specified type on the screen
MessageList Messages CP, UX1 Is a child of the PageContainer and contains Message widgets
MultiSelect Inputs CP, UX1 Allows selecting one or more items from the list displayed on the screen
Output Outputs CP, UX1 Prints out a content on the screen
PageContainer Containers CP, UX1 The parent of all other widgets on a page
Panel Containers UX1 A separate active visual block containing other widgets
Password Inputs CP, UX1 Provides protected way to enter a password and evaluate its strength
Pie Outputs UX1 Displays a resource property as a pie-diagram
PieTile Outputs UX1 Modification of Tile used to display a resource property as a pie-diagram
ProgressBar Outputs CP Displays a progress for an input value proportionally to a specified maximum value
RadioButton Inputs CP, UX1 Can be grouped with other RadioButton widgets to allow a user to select only one option from alternatives
Select Inputs CP, UX1 Provides a drop-down list of items and allows a user to select one of them
Slider Inputs CP, UX1 Flexible form to input a number by typing it in the text box or by moving the slider
Spinner Inputs CP, UX1 Flexible form to input a number by typing it in the text box or by pressing the UP or DOWN keys
Status Outputs UX1 Displays an object status using one of predefined values
Switch Inputs CP, UX1 In UX1, it is used as a child in a container or grid column to switch and display its status. In PCP/CP, it is used only inside ActiveItem containers.
TextArea Inputs CP, UX1 Allows a user to enter a text
TextBox Inputs CP, UX1 Allows a user to enter a text and provides flexible ways of text verification
Tile Containers UX1 It is a child of a Tiles container, contains special visual objects and cotrols, as well as other widgets
Tiles Containers UX1 Can contain Tile, PieTile, and other widgets
Toolbar Containers CP, UX1 A set of buttons that can be a part of a Grid or stand-alone
ToolbarButton Containers CP Presents a button in a Toolbar
ToolsList Containers CP Contains a list of ToolsItem widgets and thus enables switching to a required tool
ToolsItem Containers CP Allows a user to open a tool presented with its own icon, name, description, an other properties
ToolTip Outputs CP, UX1 Pop-up text with description of the widget that a user hovers over
UsageInfo Outputs UX1 Used to display a resource usage
WidgetList Containers CP, UX1 A flexible tool for creating a bulk of widgets synced with a model
WizardControl Outputs CP Contains a set of ordered steps required in a certain process